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RFID Intelligent Weighting System


RFID intelligent weighting system consists of electronic truck scale, computer, printer, video surveillance, RFID card-reading system, traffic light , barrier and anti- remote cheat device. On the basis of existed electronic truck scale, the upgrade can be realized by added software and hardware into system. The system adopts standard WINDOWS interface, chinese language and simple operation make it convenient and easy to view and report, meaning that measuring can be conducted at any time, and the more accurate and reliable weighting data can improve work and economy efficiency. The system consists of two user-friendly operating patterns: manual operation and intelligent unmanned operation.



  • Fast reading rate

    instantaneous data reading
  • Small size
    diverse shapes

    pollution resistance and great durability
  • Penetrability and no barrier read

    RFID is able to penetrate paper, wood, plastic and other non-metal or non-transparent material when they are covered.
  • Large data memory capacity.

  • High safety

    since RFID carries electronic information, its data information can be protected by password and not easy to be forged or altered.


  • Automatic weighing and automatic printing of pounds, automatic capture of images, video recording without manual intervention.
  • Import information of vehicle number, driver, cargo name, supplier and consignee unit automatically through RDIC card.
  • There is a big LED screen outside the weight house showing the weight of vehicle, so that driver can see it.
  • The management of system is in multiple-layer operation authority, in order to prevent the original data from mistaken altered
  • Capture of images and video surveillance: When vehicle is stationary on the weighing platform, weighting data and capture of images will be saved in system automatically
  • Support manual weighing when intelligent weighing malfunctioned.
  • Weighing data can be daily reported, monthly reported or reported at any specific time; Report and weight note can be customized, meaning than software supports customized development.
  • Fast information collection: fast weighing and improved weighing efficiency avoid long queuing time.
  • Easy operation: when weighing, vehicles don’t need to park and document, and weighers don’t have to input information to computer, thus saved time and inconvenience.
  • Avoid manual operation bug: because of automatic data reading, all vehicles’ weighing data will be recorded automatically, which avoid manual intervention, realize automatic data reading, auto check and approve.
  • Cases

    Through automatic plate number identification and accurate measuring, RFID intelligent weighting system can prevent company from economic loss because of outsider’s cheating. In addition, labor intensity and failure rate caused by human weighting will be greatly reduced when intelligent weighting system applied; the traditional manual operation model will be upgraded into manual management model, so as to improve the transparency of management process and informationization of company.
